Using Digital Storytelling in Grade 8 Science

This resource shows the reader how to use the Clips App in a way that allows students to create a digital story about a cell. There are excellent examples of how the final product is supposed to look at as well as a rubric (for, as and of learning) that is ready to...


Wix is a technology tool that allows students to design creative, engaging, and interactive websites using class content. This tool provides teachers and students with many simple tutorials that highlight its features. Some prior knowledge of website design is useful,...

Guidelines for Constructive Demonstrations/Activities

The demonstrations/activities in this resource have been designed to challenge students’ thinking as well as initiate lively classroom discussions that support constructivist learning. These short demonstrations/activities often involve discrepant events,...

An Introduction to Indigenous Knowledge and Science

This resource aims to provide a brief background on the impacts of colonialism and how it has impacted Indigenous Peoples and their Ways of Knowing in the hopes of helping educators become aware of how best to move forward to improve education outcomes for all. Also,...