Wix is a technology tool that allows students to design creative, engaging, and interactive websites using class content. This tool provides teachers and students with many simple tutorials that highlight its features. Some prior knowledge of website design is useful, but not required to use this tool. Wix can be used in different units in the science curriculum as an assessment of learning tool. This resource will specifically demonstrate the use of Wix as an assessment of learning tool in the evolution unit of the SBI3U course.
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Categories: Lab/Student Activity
Following the STAO Project Innovation seminars, I was inspired by the lectures that encouraged students to innovate and expand their creativity while building small eco-friendly devices, games made... read more
Faire sa part pour l'environment: project interdisciplinaire (4e année)
Categories: General Interest, Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
Written by Nawal Dib, Récipiendaire du prix Don Galbraith 2024, University d'Ottawa Les buts de cette leçon sont d'explorer la transmission culturelle autochtone entre générations, d'éclairer... read more
Categories: General Interest, Lab/Student Activity
PowToon is a technology tool that enables students to create engaging and animated videos using class content. This resource will demonstrate how PowToon can be used as an assessment for learning... read more