Let’s Talk Science / Parlons Sciences – Keynote Speaker / Conférencier Principal:  Bonnie Schmidt

Let’s Talk Science / Parlons Sciences – Keynote Speaker / Conférencier Principal: Bonnie Schmidt

STAO is thrilled to have Dr. Bonnie Schmidt, President and Founder of Let’s Talk Science, as the Keynote Speaker for the upcoming STAO Ignites Conference on November 13, 2024. Dr. Schmidt has been a transformative figure in Canadian science education, launching Let’s...
MIT’s shapeshifting display lets you reach out and touch someone

MIT’s shapeshifting display lets you reach out and touch someone

Click HERE for a link to the original article. MIT has developed a groundbreaking “Dynamic Shape Display” known as inFORM, which can physically alter its shape to represent 3D content. This innovative display consists of a large surface covered with pins,...
Jennifer Green – Career Showcase / Vitrine des carrières

Jennifer Green – Career Showcase / Vitrine des carrières

Jennifer Green https://www.skillsontario.com/ Career Showcase STAO Blog had the opportunity to speak with Jennifer Green to discuss her career path throughout her academic studies, her interest in science and technology, and the impact of some of her teachers. What...
Career Showcase / Vitrine des carrières – Dr. Nirit Bernhard

Career Showcase / Vitrine des carrières – Dr. Nirit Bernhard

Dr. Nirit Bernhard STAO – Career Showcase Dr. Nirit Bernhard’s (BSC 1993 UC) lifelong passion for medicine and, specifically, paediatrics, was inspired by early experiences with her brother who has various medical ailments. Since that time she has built a...
5 Very Cool Escalators in London, England

5 Very Cool Escalators in London, England

Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 Click HERE for a link to the original article The article “Five London Escalators That Will Fill You With Joy” highlights unique and quirky escalators in London. It mentions the Natural History Museum’s...
Griffith Observatory

Griffith Observatory

Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 Please click HERE for link to the website. Griffith Observatory, which opened in 1935, is the world’s most-visited public observatory. It was inspired by Griffith J. Griffith, who also founded Griffith Park. The Observatory...