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Lab/Student Activity
Students will select a weather station of their choice from the Environment Canada website and obtain the temperature data for a month of their choosing for at least 30 years. They will then use a spreadsheet to analyze the data for them producing a graph of average... read more
Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
Written by Christian Cepeda. This resource was made possible through funding provided by OSSTF. To understand efficiency and consumption, students need to have an understanding of the cost and price of electricity. Once this topic is reviewed, and relevant examples... read more
Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
Written by Laura Wodlinger. This resource was made possible through funding provided by OSSTF. Teaching students how to identify objects as insulators or conductors provides an excellent opportunity to bring in the Curriculum Expectation topics of coding and the... read more
Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
Written by Kristy Morrison and Troy Tennant. This resource was made possible through funding provided by OSSTF. This 3 part lesson plan engages students in the exploration of factors that affect our envrionment, environmental stewardship, and culminates with a an... read more
Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
Written by Michelle Chin, Don Galbraith Award Recipient 2024, OISE/UT In this 6 day lesson plan, students explore the properties of rocks and minerals. On Day 1, students reflect on the impact of rocks and minerals on their own lives and investigate the properties of... read more
Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
Written by Jessalyn Lam, Don Galbraith Award Recipient 2024, OISE/UT This lesson uses an inquiry-based and hands-on approach to scientific exploration through art and serves as an introductory lesson to the Forces and Motion unit in grade 3. Students are... read more
General Interest, Teacher Demonstration
2018 Version – Safe ON Science is STAO/APSO’s safety resource for high school teachers. It is written by STAO/APSO’s Safety Committee, a panel of experienced teachers with a strong background in science safety. Topics include legislation, general safety... read more
General Interest, Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
Written by Nawal Dib, Récipiendaire du prix Don Galbraith 2024, University d’Ottawa Les buts de cette leçon sont d’explorer la transmission culturelle autochtone entre générations, d’éclairer les élèves sur la relation des autochtones avec l’environnement naturel,... read more
Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
Written by Navjit Klair, Don Galbraith Award Recipient 2024, Wilfrid Laurier University In this lesson, students will achieve learning outcomes aligned with, ‘A1. STEM Investigation and Communication Skills’ and will be able to describe the basic function and... read more
Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
Written by Heidi Amadei, Don Galbraith Award Recipient 2024, Wilfrid Laurier University In this activity, students explore pollution and the impact is has on the environment through a hands-on investigation. Specifically, students explore air and water pollution and... read more