

Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 SciTechOntario The 2022 Ontario Elementary Science and Technology Curriculum resources, created by Ontario Certified Teachers in collaboration with STAO, OCTE, and ACSE, aim to support educators with the implementation of the...
MIT’s shapeshifting display lets you reach out and touch someone

MIT’s shapeshifting display lets you reach out and touch someone

Click HERE for a link to the original article. MIT has developed a groundbreaking “Dynamic Shape Display” known as inFORM, which can physically alter its shape to represent 3D content. This innovative display consists of a large surface covered with pins,...
How Aerogels Work

How Aerogels Work

Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 How Aerogels Work Click HERE for a link to the original article from How Stuff Works? Here is a summary of the article linked above. Aerogels, often referred to as “frozen smoke” due to their ethereal appearance,...
Scientists Have Developed the Whitest White Paint Ever Made – So Reflective It Can Cool Surfaces

Scientists Have Developed the Whitest White Paint Ever Made – So Reflective It Can Cool Surfaces

Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 Click HERE for a link to the original article   In 2020, scientists at Purdue University developed an ultra-white acrylic paint that initially reflected 95.5% of sunlight. They have since improved it to reflect 98.1%,...
Why Did The Millennium Bridge Close On Its First Day?

Why Did The Millennium Bridge Close On Its First Day?

Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 Click HERE for a link to the original article In 2000, Central London’s Millennium Bridge, a £18.2 million suspension bridge connecting St. Paul’s Cathedral with the Tate Modern gallery, had to close just two days...