Teacher Demo: Hitting Rusty Balls

The thermite reaction is very exciting, but also extremely dangerous. Iron has a melting point of over 1500C and the reaction can reach temperatures of over 2000C. This reaction was once used to weld railroad tracks together. This demonstration safely illustrate the...

Teacher Demo: Limiting Reagent – Is More Better?

This demonstration/activity introduces students to the concept of limiting reagent in a chemical reaction. Too often, students think that one can produce more product by using larger quantities of reactants. This demonstration/activity is specifically designed to...

Student Activity: The Great Macaroni Exchange

If equilibrium is to be achieved, opposing reactions must take place in a closed system at the same rate. The two reactions, known as forward and reverse reactions, shown by a general reaction such as: A + B C When the forward and reverse reactions are taking place at...

Student Activity: Counting Atoms and Molecules

Chemists are constantly faced with the daunting task of counting large numbers of items, specifically atoms, ions, molecules and compounds. This task is made even more difficult by the fact that not all atoms of the same element are identical. In this...