Student Activity: Plant Tropisms Part 1

This student activity illustrates how plants grow away from/towards a stimulus by continuing cell growth and elongation on one side of the stem while ceasing cell growth and elongation on the opposite side of the stem. This connects to the curriculum by allowing...

Teacher Demonstration: Plant Tropisms

This student activity illustrates how plants grow away from or towards a stimulus by continuing cell growth and elongation on one side of the stem while ceasing cell growth and elongation on the opposite side of the stem. This connects to the curriculum by allowing...

Student Activity: Investigation of Leaf Stomata

This short student activity enables students to experience creating their own microscope slide and to practice using a microscope. The activity reinforces the necessity of finding and focussing on a sample under the microscope first under low power before increasing...

Teacher Demo/Student Activity: Transpiration

Xylem and phloem tissues make up the “circulatory” system of a plant. The xylem tissues transport water from the roots to all of the other living tissues, while the phloem tissues transport sugars from the green tissues where photosynthesis occurs to...