Two-Eyed Seeing and Biodiversity

The following activities are divided into three sections: Minds On, Action, Consolidation. While this outline approximates a traditional lesson plan, teachers are encouraged to mix and match the activities to meet their needs. It is expected that lessons on this topic...

The Three Sisters: Corn, Squash, and Beans

Throughout a series of explorations involving the use of Indigenous People’s stories students will learn about the importance of plants and their relationship with us and the the natural environment. By deepening their understanding and appreciation of the...

Teacher Demo: Water Quality Investigation

This demonstration shows some differences between potable (drinkable) water and non-potable (non-drinkable) water. Variations in temperature, turbidity and pH level also determine the types of microorganisms that can thrive in each water sample. After the...

Teacher Demo: Unwrapping Packaging

Food containers are common sources of waste. These materials can end up in landfill or be diverted by thinking of the 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recyle. Students will examine product packaging to assess packaging in terms of sustainability through the 3 Rs. Students work in...

Teacher Demo: Ballistic Cart

This demonstration shows the independence of the horizontal and vertical components of velocity. It can also be used to introduce frames of reference. The ballistic cart propels a steel ball out of the central pipe as it moves. This means that the ball projectile and...