Food containers are common sources of waste. These materials can end up in landfill or be diverted by thinking of the 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recyle. Students will examine product packaging to assess packaging in terms of sustainability through the 3 Rs. Students work in groups to actively participate throughout the demonstration.
Related Resources:
Teacher Demo: Mouldy Bread Demonstration
Categories: Teacher Demonstration
This demonstration shows how water can affect the growth of bread mould. read more
Teacher Demo/Student Activity: There's Iron in your Cereal?
Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Teacher Demonstration
This demo shows how flakes of iron can be extracted from iron-fortified cereals with the use of a strong magnet. The demo shows a physical separation process and provides students with a good example... read more
Teacher Demo/Student Activity: Charging by Contact
Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Teacher Demonstration
In this demo, a polyethylene strip is charged by rubbing with wool. The charged strip is then used to charge a neutral object, a pith ball, by contact. This demo can be done as a student activity. read more