In this inquiry project, students will investigate how to assess water quality and learn about the impact of unclean water on human activities.

Reviewing Making Molecules Activity Using Remind

Students will be completing the assignment entitled Making Molecules (see hand-out link below) created by science-class.net where they will have to create models of different compounds using beads and pipe cleaners. In addition, the teacher will be using the Remind...

Spice Up Assessment With Plickers

After learning an entire unit, many students find it a daunting task to work through assigned review questions to prepare for final evaluations. One of the many strategies that we use in teaching to allow students to be accountable for their learning is to...

Teach the Periodic Table through KAHOOT

Introducing students to the periodic table in grade 9 involves teaching properties of elements (metals/non-metals/metalloids), groups (alkali metals, etc.), and how to read standard atomic notation. Using KAHOOT to teach this core (but often dry) lesson can increase...