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Scratch Circuits Coding (SNC1W)

Written by Avery Robinson, Don Galbraith Award Recipient 2024, Laurentian Unversity In this lesson, students are learning how to name and identify the function of essential components of circuits and the standardized symbols used in circuit diagrams. In addition,...

What is Pollution? (Grade 2)

Written by Heidi Amadei, Don Galbraith Award Recipient 2024, Wilfrid Laurier University In this activity, students explore pollution and the impact is has on the environment through a hands-on investigation. Specifically, students explore air and water pollution and...

Gamification of Learning (Grade 10)

Written by Alyssa Opertshauser, Don Galbraith Award Recipient 2024, University of Western Ontario This article explores the gamification of curriculum, particularly in Grade 10 science and Grade 9 math. An example of a midterm review for the chemistry and physics...