What is this? This tool shows teachers how to use an arduino as a cheap safe 0-5V power supply for electricity experiments. How do I use this? Link to tech tool how to OR STAO connection to the tech tool Why use this? There are two problems using variable power...

BETTER LAB REPORTS THROUGH PEER ASSESSMENT USING PEERGRADE.IO is a free website that allows teachers to provide a rubric for students to use to assess peer assignments. The website allows teachers to see student assignments and the feedback they provide to their peers, while keeping everything anonymous for the...

Electricity – From SNC1D to SPH3U

The purpose of this activity is to bridge the gap between grade 9 electricity and grade 11 physics. In grade 9 you focus on current, voltage and resitance. This activity focuses on bringing these concepts in the relm of grade 11 and how these concepts focus on...

Electricity Lab: Circuit Challenge

This activity is a series of 10 circuits. The students are to build circuit one and move through each circuit challenge. Each circuit gets progessivly more difficult. This activity uses both series and parallel circuits.