Safety Beliefs

A summary of the STAO Safety Committee’s beliefs about safety in the science classroom.

Class Size

It is widely recognized that Science is a process and an activity fully as much as it is an organized body of knowledge and that, therefore, it cannot be learned in any deep and meaningful way by reading and discussion alone. The Ontario Ministry of Education...

Contact Lens Safety In The Science Classroom

A relatively large fraction of the Canadian population requires corrective lenses to obtain optimal vision. While many of these individuals choose to wear eyeglasses, an increasing number are being fitted with contact lenses. The recent technological advances in the...

Laboratory Safety

The techniques of Science teaching have changed from lectures and demonstrations to those involving a significant amount of “hands on” activities. This is reflected in the new curriculum, which even mandates that certain experiments be carried out. As a...

Laser Safety In The Science Classroom

Like many other technological developments of the twentieth century, the laser has moved rapidly from the scientific research laboratory to widespread use in everyday life. It is possible to design a laser for virtually any wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum...