Students often have many hidden misconceptions about evolution that can be be difficult to identify and correct. This creates problems when asking students to apply their knowledge of evolution theory and terms to new examples. Using WordWriter to assess individual...

Electricity – From SNC1D to SPH3U

The purpose of this activity is to bridge the gap between grade 9 electricity and grade 11 physics. In grade 9 you focus on current, voltage and resitance. This activity focuses on bringing these concepts in the relm of grade 11 and how these concepts focus on...

Facebook Science Multimedia Presentation

Inquiry activity that is directed towards the interests of the students. Students will pick a topic (link to facebook page with ideas included). They will present a multi media presentation to the class. Rubrics, checklists and evaluation pdfs included. Other...

From Classical Taxonomy to Phylogeny

Students reasearch the taxonomic breakdown of a variety of organisms. Students will look at was characterisitcs are present and absent. Through this investigation they will determine the plausible evolutionary history of the organism.