Teacher Demo/Student Activity: Iron in Cereal

Food labels often contain the word “fortified”. This means that one or more ingredients have been added that are not normally found in that food item. The purpose is to increase the amount of that mineral or nutrient to serve a dietary purpose. Table salt...

Guidelines for Constructive Demonstrations/Activities

The demonstrations/activities in this resource have been designed to challenge students’ thinking as well as initiate lively classroom discussions that support constructivist learning. These short demonstrations/activities often involve discrepant events,...

Teacher Demo/Student Activity: Powder Disaster

Flour is an ingredient that is found in most kitchens and used regularly for baking and cooking. Consequently, it is considered safe, and people do not regard the potential hazards. In reality, flour and dust explosions are extremely dangerous, and reducing the risk...

Teacher Demo: Rusty Balls

The thermite reaction is very exciting, but also extremely dangerous. Iron has a melting point of over 1500oC and the reaction can reach temperatures of over 2000oC. This reaction was once used to weld railroad tracks together. The purpose of this demonstration is to...

Teacher Demo: Flame Tests

This classic demonstration involves conducting flame tests of metal salt solutions. The colour of each flame test can be used as a qualitative test to detect the presence of the corresponding metal salt. Refer back to this demonstration when considering the...