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Lab/Student Activity
Teacher and students will go on several nature walks in order to conduct a detailed inquiry into snails, their habitat, basic needs, and benefits to humans and the environment. Research will be conducted outside and in the classroom, in order to set up a snail habitat... read more
Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
I wanted to allow students to follow a more real life type of inquiry in chemistry labs that would allow them to experiment, make mistakes, revise their approach and retest. I would hope that this would allow them to build a deeper understanding of the concepts being... read more
Lab/Student Activity
My grade 1-2 class was out in our school’s courtyard putting out some bird seeds we had collected to set outside our classroom window. In our Science unit we had been working on expectations dealing with Living Things and in talking about showing care and... read more
Lab/Student Activity
In this activity, students will be analyzing a soil sample taken from a mining site and testing if for its acidity and dissolved metal contaminants. They will design a filtration system to remove the Fe3+ ion and acid contaminants, as well as any solid debris, out of... read more
Lesson Plan
This lesson plan is separated based on the 4- level model of inquiry, as outlined in “Simplifying Inquiry Instruction” by Randy L. Bell, Lara Smetana, and Ian Binns (link in resources). This lesson plan will introduce students to inquiry at the same time... read more
General Interest, Lab/Student Activity
This resource highlights the advantages of using Edpuzzle to personalize any video to make it more accessible for your students. Teachers can add voice overs and add quizzes for students. Teachers can also monitor students’ work. Other... read more
Lab/Student Activity
Through inquiry, students will learn basic needs for birds and why certain elements of human activity are a hazard for birds. They will then provide solutions to keep birds safe. Other Resources:... read more
Lab/Student Activity
Students research the effects of vaping based on their prior knowledge.Inquiry-based learning can be used as an introduction or a culminating task. Other Resources: Concerns explode... read more
Instructions on how to create a classroom catalyst. Other... read more
Lab/Student Activity
The focus of this assignment is to have students direct their own learning to discover the purposeful use of pneumatics and hydraulics and how to incorporate technology to create a useful and stable design. Students were provided a background about fluids through a... read more