Teacher and students will go on several nature walks in order to conduct a detailed inquiry into snails, their habitat, basic needs, and benefits to humans and the environment. Research will be conducted outside and in the classroom, in order to set up a snail habitat in the classroom for further inquiry and study opportunities.
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Categories: Lab/Student Activity
We are learning to compare natural and human forces on structures of different materials for a sophisticated understanding of the concept of force acting internally and externally on structures... read more
Teacher Demo/Student Activity: Iron in Cereal
Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Teacher Demonstration
Food labels often contain the word "fortified". This means that one or more ingredients have been added that are not normally found in that food item. The purpose is to increase the amount of that... read more
Lets get Series(ous) Circuits
Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
This student activity gives students the opportunity to predict, both on paper and through building series circuits, what will happen to current and voltage in different scenarios. read more