This resource highlights the advantages of using Edpuzzle to personalize any video to make it more accessible for your students. Teachers can add voice overs and add quizzes for students. Teachers can also monitor students’ work.
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Categories: Lab/Student Activity
This game is great to use as a review tool for students enrolled in SBI4U. It applies to the Protein Synthesis chapter of the Molecular Genetics unit and addresses expectations D2.1, D2.4, D3.2 and... read more
Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan, Unit Plan
The inquiry began by the grade 5 students’ wonderings about two students in the community class after an assembly. They noticed that the students were communicating via Proloquo2go. This is a... read more
Categories: General Interest, Lesson Plan
Paper “clickers” are a simple and cost effective way to boost students’ conceptual understanding and improve their metacognitive skills. All you need is a computer, data projector and paper... read more