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Life in Space

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In space, there are extremes of temperature, high-energy particles and radiation from the sun, no atmosphere or atmospheric pressure. Living organisms must therefore be protected within a spacecraft or space suit. They must have a source of energy (solar panels or... read more

Solar System

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The sun’s mass makes up 99.8% of that of the solar system. The planets move around the sun in almost-circular orbits, all in the same direction, and almost in the same plane. They are kept in their orbits by the sun’s gravity. Moons orbit most of the... read more

Teacher Demo: Toxic Path: Bioaccumulation


Humans have had a huge effect on the environment by producing and releasing pollutants. Pollution leads to a variety of issues. Some of the better-known pollutants include greenhouse gases, which are the main cause of global warming; acid-producing air pollutants that... read more

Teacher Demo: Deforestation


Primary industry has been important to the Canadian economy for hundreds of years. In particular, the vast forests in British Columbia and Ontario provide the raw materials for a billion-dollar industry. Forests are also environmentally important as they remove carbon... read more