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Unit Plan
After learning about the basic fundamentals of electricity, students will begin to explore how they interact with technology that is around them and how they might become producers rather than continuing to be consumers. Subtopics would be: Physical Computing,... read more
General Interest, Lesson Plan
This lesson harnesses an untapped resource, student curiosity and the questions that they develop about the scientific world they live in. To foster curiosity and question asking, I have created an implementation method surrounding a curriculum unit that brings small... read more
Lesson Plan
This guided inquiry activity is structured to allow students to practise observations and collaborating to find the cause of Minamata Disease in Japan, and then exploring how it has affected a Canadian Indigenous population. read more
Lab/Student Activity
We started by doing a See/Think/Wonder around the empty incubator and then followed that up by doing another one once the eggs had been added to it. There was lots of discussion around the role of the temperature played. Some of the children made connections to the... read more
Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
Can understanding particle theory and heat transfer modes help you build efficient devices to improve our daily lives? Heat is a form of energy that can be transformed and transferred. These processes can be explained using particle theory of matter. Design (or... read more
Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
In this activity, students learn about engineering design by constructing elastic powered cars from everyday materials that can travel in a straight line for a distance of at least 3 meters within a 1 meter wide track. They test their elastic powered racers, evaluate... read more
Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan, Unit Plan
In this unit plan, students learn to name the six different kinds of simple machines and how they make work easier and more enjoyable for people. They will also learn to design, build and test an arcade game or invention that includes more than one simple machine. A... read more
Lab/Student Activity, Lesson Plan
Students develop a number of misconceptions about the process of meiosis. This is due to student confusion with similar words and phases in mitosis and the tendency of students to rely on memorizing the processes of cell division. As students try to conceptualize the... read more
General Interest, Lab/Student Activity
In this inquiry-based activity, students will design and build a model of a greenhouse using mirrors and/or lenses that can be used to grow food all year. They will use their knowledge of optics to make their greenhouse more efficient (i.e., optimal temperature for... read more
General Interest
Can understanding basic concepts about electric circuits help us to design a game board that helps students review/test their knowledge of the key concepts learned in the electricity unit? read more