by msander | Oct 22, 2017 | Gr 4-6 Science & Tech, Gr 7-8 Science & Tech
The inquiry began by the grade 5 students’ wonderings about two students in the community class after an assembly. They noticed that the students were communicating via Proloquo2go. This is a computer picture communication exchange system software that allowed the...
by msander | Sep 13, 2017 | Gr 1-3 Science & Tech, Gr 4-6 Science & Tech, Gr 7-8 Science & Tech, Gr 9-10 Science, Gr. 11-12 Biology
Maddie Moate investigates why some animals have body parts that serve no purpose. Subscribe to Earth Unplugged for more amazing animal videos – Watch more videos from Earth Unplugged Animals In Slow Motion And Stunning...
by cbrookallred | Mar 5, 2015 | Gr 9-10 Science
Engaging Students in Grade 10 Organs & Organ Systems. By Leila Knetsch Curriculum Connection: Grade 10 D/P Science, Cells and Tissues Unit Diagnostic Map Your Organs Main Lesson Lesson: Organs and Organ Systems – focus on Circulatory, Respiratory, Digestive, and...
by cbrookallred | Feb 9, 2015 | Gr 4-6 Science & Tech
Grade 5: Life Systems Contributed by: Derek Totten I was working late in the lab one night when …. Big Ideas: Organ systems are components of a larger system (the body) and, as such, work together and affect one another. Organ structures are linked to their...
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