by Milan Sanader | Apr 12, 2021 | Gr 7-8 Science & Tech, Gr 9-10 Science, Gr. 11-12 Biology
Today’s tropical rainforests came about because of the huge asteroid strike thought to have wiped out the dinosaurs. Before the asteroid hit the Yucatán peninsula in what is now Mexico, South America’s rainforests were made up of vastly different greenery than the...
by Milan Sanader | Jul 4, 2020 | All Science Teachers
It seems almost certain that an asteroid impact wiped out the dinosaurs. But only almost. Another competing theory won’t completely go away: the extinction-by-volcano theory. Click here to go to the article for complete details.
by msander | Jun 8, 2018 | Gr 7-8 Science & Tech, Gr 9-10 Science, Gr. 11-12 Chemistry
Why is Earth is a blue planet? Because it’s covered in water! Where did Earth’s water come from? Of course, water isn’t unique to our planet. The origin of water traces beyond the solar system to the earliest days of the universe. Here’s the story of the galaxy’s H2O....
by msander | May 17, 2018 | Gr 4-6 Science & Tech, Gr 9-10 Science, Gr. 11-12 Physics
On Nov. 30, 2010, astronomers discovered asteroid 2010 WC9. However, it soon faded from view and was lost. But now it’s back, and it’s going to whiz past Earth Monday night. Source: Lost asteroid to fly between moon and Earth tonight | CBC...
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