The Big Bang

The Big Bang

The big bang theory is the most accepted theory for the formation of the universe. The “big bang” is a misnomer because there was no explosion, but rather a rapid expansion. It is not known what existed the moment before the big bang, however the evolution of the...
Comeback Can

Comeback Can

Contributed by: Cory Telfer …an activity that’ll keep coming back to you Big Idea:  Structures and mechanisms throughout our environment have forces that act on and within them Grade 5: Matter and Energy Inquiry Skills Used This is a technological...
Alkali Metal Safety

Alkali Metal Safety

Many teachers demonstrate the reaction of lithium, sodium and potassium with water when discussing the trend in reactivity of the alkali metals. In order to conduct this demo safely, it is imperative that only a small quantity of metal is used and that appropriate...
Stretchy Water

Stretchy Water

This discrepant event is based on the surface tension of water. Students predict the number of pennies that can fit into a wine glass filled almost to the brim with water and then have their prediction tested.  Part 1. Teacher Demonstration. Materials:  wine glass...