Indigenous Knowledge and Science Explorations

Through a series of explorations involving the use of Indigenous stories, students will learn about the importance of plants and their relationship with us and the natural environment. By deepening their understanding and appreciation of the natural world, students...

Our Relationship With the Stars and How We Came To Be

Through a series of explorations, students will examine our relationship with the celestial bodies and consider how these bodies have benefited humanity and influenced life on Earth. Students will compare traditional Creation stories with Western explanations...

Grade 8 Science – Water Unit

This unit plan for the Grade 8 Understanding Earth and Space Systems water unit allows educators to connect students to an Indigenous perspective while addressing the Ontario Science & Technology Curriculum. Grade 8 Science – Water Unit Water Unit task slides...

STAO Grade Six Space Unit User Guide

The following Astronomy/ Space resource is a guide for use by teachers teaching the Understanding Earth and Space Systems strand in the grade six Ontario Ministry of Education Science and Technology curriculum. This document is organized into five sections: Here on...