Teacher Demo: Double Ball Drop

A head on elastic collision between an object with mass M and an object with mass 3M traveling with equal speeds results in all the kinetic energy of the system being transferred to the smaller mass. In this demonstration we try to follow this arrangement to produce a...

Teacher Demo: The Nose vs. the Wrecking Ball

A pendulum is constructed from a 1.0-kg mass suspended from the ceiling, with a length of strong string long enough so that, when pulled about 40o from the vertical, the mass comes to nose level. The pendulum will be released from this position. The demonstrator is to...

Teacher Demo: Covered Lens

This demonstration will help students understand what is required for an image to be formed by a lens. As well, it will help to diagnose possible misconceptions about image formation.

Teacher Demo/Student Activity: Glow Sticks

In this demonstration, students observe what happens to activated glow sticks when they are submerged in water at three different temperatures: cold, room temperature, and hot. Students will use these observations to discuss the type of light emission associated with...