Teacher Demo: Coke versus Diet Coke

This demonstration reviews the concept of density. It examines why certain objects float or sink in water and highlights some interesting information about cola versus diet cola soft drinks.

Student Activity: The Destructive Nature of Acid Rain

Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide, CO2(g), which contributes to the greenhouse effect and hence to climate change. Burning some fossil fuels also releases nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxides. These gases react with moisture in the air to produce acid...

Student Activity: Rutherford’s Black Box

We are most accustomed to making observations directly with our eyes. Students therefore often find it conceptually challenging to comprehend the reasoning and logic used by scientists studying atoms that they cannot directly see. This activity allows the students to...

STAO Grade Six Space Unit User Guide

The following Astronomy/ Space resource is a guide for use by teachers teaching the Understanding Earth and Space Systems strand in the grade six Ontario Ministry of Education Science and Technology curriculum. This document is organized into five sections: Here on...

Space Exploration and Travel

Note: This resource is part of the STAO Grade Six Space Unit User Guide. Click here to access the parent resource. Space Exploration and Travel Unit Curriculum and Assessment Plan Unit/Strand: S&T – Grade 6: Space Topic: Earth and our Relationship with our...