Teacher Demo/Student Activity: Bending Water

In this demo, a polyethylene rod is charged by rubbing with wool. The charged rod is then used to bend a stream of water flowing from a tap. Different substances have different attractions for electrons. When two materials are rubbed together, electrons will leave the...

Teacher Demo/Student Activity: Finding the electron

Prior to Thomson’s work it was thought that the atoms of each element were unique, invisible particles, or that atoms were made of subatomic particles that had significant mass compared to the atom as a whole. Thomson used Crookes tubes to disprove both of these ideas...

Here on Earth

Note: This resource is part of the STAO Grade Six Space Unit User Guide. Click here to access the parent resource. Expectations/Big Ideas: Earth is part of a large interrelated system. Investigate characteristics of the systems that Earth is a part. Demonstrate an...

Solar System

Note: This resource is part of the STAO Grade Six Space Unit User Guide. Click here to access the parent resource. Solar System Unit Curriculum and Assessment Plan Unit/Strand: S&T – Grade 6: Space Topic: Earth and our Relationship with our Sun and Moon....