STAO Microscale Science Project

In science, hands-on activities are always desirable, particularly when these are real time, actual experimentation, not just virtual simulations. This conflicts with our current reality: budget cuts; safety concerns in overcrowded classes; other demands on teacher...

The Storage of Flammable Liquids in School Laboratories

This article provides some recommendations for: storing flammable liquids; the quantities to be kept in schools; the types of storage cabinets usable; and the need to vent those cabinets. Such venting would neither violate the Ontario Fire Code, nor compromise the ULC...

Class Size

It is widely recognized that Science is a process and an activity fully as much as it is an organized body of knowledge and that, therefore, it cannot be learned in any deep and meaningful way by reading and discussion alone. The Ontario Ministry of Education...

Chemical Spills

It is the responsibility of all those working in a laboratory to be aware of potential hazards and to prevent them from becoming accidents. However, whenever chemicals are in use, there is a danger of spillage. A well-organized science program will have available a...

Contact Lens Safety In The Science Classroom

A relatively large fraction of the Canadian population requires corrective lenses to obtain optimal vision. While many of these individuals choose to wear eyeglasses, an increasing number are being fitted with contact lenses. The recent technological advances in the...