Teacher Demo/Student Activity: Limit to Cell Size

Cells require a constant supply of glucose and oxygen to produce energy. Cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria of a cell. As a result of this process, large quantities of waste carbon dioxide must be expelled from the cell. All materials involved in this...

Teacher Demo: Bright Star or Close Star?

When you gaze up in the night sky some stars will be very bright while other stars are barely visible to the unaided eye. With the aid of binoculars you may be able to observe different colours in the stars. The brightness and colour of a star depends on three...

Student Activity: Modelling the Phases of the Moon

The Moon is visible at some point during most nights. If you observed the Moon from one night to the next you would notice that the Moon rises 50 min later each night. With close observation you would see a little bit more or a little bit less of the Moon each night,...