Student Activity/Teacher Demo: Spinning Dish

In this demo, two polyethylene strips are charged on one end by rubbing with wool. One charged strip is then mounted on an evaporating dish and the other charged strip is used to make the dish spin. As both strips become negatively charged when rubbed with wool they...

Teacher Demo: Chemiluminescence

This demonstration is definitely an eye-catching crowd-pleaser. It is a great demonstration to show the interconnection between physics and chemistry, linking an example of light emission to evidence of chemical reactions. It is similar to a common example of...

Teacher Demo/Student Activity: Conductor vs. Insulator

In this demo, a polyethylene strip is charged by rubbing with wool. The strip is then used to test what happens to the flow of charge when the strip is placed in contact with a conductor (iron nail) and the materials are then moved towards a neutral object. An...

Teacher Demo: Turning Water into Wine into Milk into Beer

Turning water into wine and then into beer and finally milk is an extremely versatile chemistry demonstration. It can be used to introduce or reinforce several important concepts in chemistry including evidence for chemical change and types of chemical reactions...

Student Activity: Series Circuits

In this demo, two circuits are constructed to enable comparison of the brightness of a light bulb placed in a circuit with one cell and the brightness of the same light bulb in a circuit with three cells connected in series. In Next Steps the potential differences of...