Turning water into wine and then into beer and finally milk is an extremely versatile chemistry demonstration. It can be used to introduce or reinforce several important concepts in chemistry including evidence for chemical change and types of chemical reactions – by simply pouring a liquid from one glass to another, four different “beverages” are instantly created!
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Teacher Demo/Student Activity: Red Cabbage Indicator
Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Teacher Demonstration
This demonstration illustrates the presence and importance of chemistry in everyday objects, including our food. It is an interesting way to start the discussion of acids and bases or to connect... read more
Teacher Demo/Student Activity: Glow Sticks
Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Teacher Demonstration
In this demonstration, students observe what happens to activated glow sticks when they are submerged in water at three different temperatures: cold, room temperature, and hot. Students will use... read more
Teacher Demo/Student Activity: Elephant's Toothpaste
Categories: Lab/Student Activity, Teacher Demonstration
This demonstration is an entertaining way to introduce simple chemical reactions and the types of evidence that indicate the occurrence of chemical change, including the production of a gas. A link... read more