Teacher Demo: Respiration in Yeast

This demonstration shows that the combination of yeast, sugar and water will produce a gas that can be collected. This provides students with an opportunity to draw on prior knowledge to identify the cellular process involved. Students also have a chance to predict...

Teacher Demo: Hot Ice

Heat transfers in physical and chemical reactions have many practical applications. Exothermic reactions release heat to the surroundings, resulting in an increase in surrounding temperature. Endothermic reactions require heat from the surroundings, resulting in a...

Teacher Demo/Student Activity: Potato Osmosis

Osmosis is the process by which the concentrations of two solutions, separated by a selectively permeable membrane, equalize by the movement of a solvent such as water. This demonstration shows that the ability of plant cells to absorb water is decreased by heating....

Teacher Demo/Student Activity: Measuring the Speed of Light

This demonstration allows students to experimentally determine the speed of light by heating a piece of chocolate in a microwave oven. This demonstration is best used as an enrichment activity as the concepts involved go beyond the curriculum expectations. Still, the...