This demonstration allows students to experimentally determine the speed of light by heating a piece of chocolate in a microwave oven. This demonstration is best used as an enrichment activity as the concepts involved go beyond the curriculum expectations. Still, the demonstration offers a very interesting and intriguing look at electromagnetic waves.
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Categories: Lab/Student Activity
This activity can be used as a culminating activity, as it will bring aspects of all of the major strands of the grade 9 science curriculum together. Students are to design and build a space station... read more
What Would It Be Like to Live in Space?
Categories: Lab/Student Activity
This inquiry resource package on space for ELKP is designed to assist teachers in planning for an inquiry-based learning opportunity. This resource outline is - sublimated with learning objects that... read more
Teacher Demonstration: Liver Enzyme Action
Categories: Teacher Demonstration
This demonstration illustrates the importance of enzymes in the human body. Enzymes catalyze many important chemical reactions in the body. This demonstration is a visual example of how the enzyme... read more