Teacher Demo: Water Quality Investigation

This demonstration shows some differences between potable (drinkable) water and non-potable (non-drinkable) water. Variations in temperature, turbidity and pH level also determine the types of microorganisms that can thrive in each water sample. After the...

Teacher Demo: Unwrapping Packaging

Food containers are common sources of waste. These materials can end up in landfill or be diverted by thinking of the 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recyle. Students will examine product packaging to assess packaging in terms of sustainability through the 3 Rs. Students work in...

Teacher Demo: Ballistic Cart

This demonstration shows the independence of the horizontal and vertical components of velocity. It can also be used to introduce frames of reference. The ballistic cart propels a steel ball out of the central pipe as it moves. This means that the ball projectile and...

Teacher Demo: Neutrally Buoyant Helium Balloon

Almost every child at one time or another has experienced the wonder, and later, a sense of loss, from a helium balloon. The emotional attachment most students have to helium balloons can be used to focus them on a variety of Physics concepts. Adjust the...

Teacher Demo: Magnetic Braking

This very simple to perform demo can be made very memorable by ensuring the students see it as a discrepant event. Students are expecting to see a free fall but instead see a low terminal velocity with no obvious source of friction.