Teacher Demo: Flame Tests

This classic demonstration involves conducting flame tests of metal salt solutions. The colour of each flame test can be used as a qualitative test to detect the presence of the corresponding metal salt. Refer back to this demonstration when considering the...

Teacher Demo: Hitting Rusty Balls

The thermite reaction is very exciting, but also extremely dangerous. Iron has a melting point of over 1500C and the reaction can reach temperatures of over 2000C. This reaction was once used to weld railroad tracks together. This demonstration safely illustrate the...

Teacher Demo: Limiting Reagent – Is More Better?

This demonstration/activity introduces students to the concept of limiting reagent in a chemical reaction. Too often, students think that one can produce more product by using larger quantities of reactants. This demonstration/activity is specifically designed to...

Teacher Demonstration: The Doppler Effect

The Doppler Effect, when applied to light from a star, can be used to determine if the star is approaching or receding. This is the basis for the generally accepted theory that the universe is expanding. This demonstration shows the Doppler Effect applied to sound....