ChemEd 2023

23julAll Day27ChemEd 2023(All Day)(GMT+00:00)

Event Details

The primo Chemistry Education conference in North America returns to Canada—in person—this summer. From July 23 – 27, ChemEd 2023 will be hosted by the University of Guelph. High School Chemistry teachers and Introductory Chemistry instructors from across North America—and beyond—will attend sessions and workshops. Teachers will spend time with teachers exchanging ideas and honing their craft in an engaging, fun atmosphere. As ChemEd celebrates its 50th year, we expect hundreds of delegates, eager to interact face to face.  And STAO/APSO will be there to meet current and future members!

You may submit a proposal to give a talk or to perform a demonstration; you may want to present a workshop. Or you may simply want to take it all in.

Visit the ChemEd website to find out more about the conference, to register, how to submit a proposal, and sign up to receive email updates.

We look forward to this once-in-a-decade opportunity for ChemEd to be hosted in Canada. And we look forward to you joining us for what will be—for sure—an enriching addition to your well-earned summer holiday.


July 23, 2023 - July 27, 2023 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)

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