NASA’s new tiny, high-powered laser could find water on the Moon / Le nouveau laser minuscule et puissant de la NASA pourrait trouver de l’eau sur la Lune

NASA’s new tiny, high-powered laser could find water on the Moon / Le nouveau laser minuscule et puissant de la NASA pourrait trouver de l’eau sur la Lune

Please click HERE for access to the full article from ZNET NASA has developed a new, tiny but powerful laser that could revolutionize space exploration by helping astronauts accurately locate and identify water on the Moon, Mars, and other celestial bodies. Previous...
You have a doppelganger and probably share DNA with them, new study suggests / Une nouvelle étude suggère que vous avez un sosie et que vous partagez probablement son ADN

You have a doppelganger and probably share DNA with them, new study suggests / Une nouvelle étude suggère que vous avez un sosie et que vous partagez probablement son ADN

Please click HERE for access to the full article from CNN A new study suggests that everyone might have a doppelgänger with whom they share genetic similarities. Sometimes, people who look alike but are not related can have similar physical traits and behaviors. For...
Resources for Rethinking / Ressources pour repenser

Resources for Rethinking / Ressources pour repenser

Resources for Rethinking provides immediate access to more than 1200 quality classroom resources. Developed by Learning for a Sustainable Future, connects teachers to lesson plans, books, videos and other materials that explore the environmental, social...
Forests Ontario – Teacher Toolkit (Updated)

Forests Ontario – Teacher Toolkit (Updated)

Forests Ontario offers a range of educational resources designed to integrate forest concepts into various subjects, including history, math, music, science, and physical education. These resources support both formal and informal educators in engaging students...
1918 Influenza Pandemic / Pandémie de Grippe de 1918

1918 Influenza Pandemic / Pandémie de Grippe de 1918

Submitted by Samantha Hendricks Teaching About the 1918 Influenza Pandemic can help Students Understand COVID-19 / L’enseignement sur la Pandémie de Grippe de 1918 peut aider nos élèves à comprendre la COVID-19  The Spanish Flu / La Grippe Pandémique 1918 The Spanish...
NEW Elementary Sci & Tech Resources / Ressources pour le nouveau programme-cadre de sci et tech

NEW Elementary Sci & Tech Resources / Ressources pour le nouveau programme-cadre de sci et tech

Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 NEW Elementary Science and Technology Resources STAO is pleased to announce the launch of This project has been a collaboration between The Ontario Council for Technology Education (OCTE), The Science...