Experience Sustainability

Experience Sustainability

Submitted & Written by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 Elementary Teacher, York Region District School Board, STAO Blog Contributor, Sci-Fi Geek This past spring, I had the opportunity to present a webinar for the Ontario Teachers’ Federation called...
De-streamed Gr.9 Science Virtual PD Workshop

De-streamed Gr.9 Science Virtual PD Workshop

Submitted by Michael Frankfort, Co-Chair of STAO Elementary Curriculum Committee   De-streamed Grade 9 Science: Designing for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice  Thursday, June 16, 2022, 7–8 p.m. Do you have questions or concerns about Ontario’s new...
Best Time of Day to take an Exam

Best Time of Day to take an Exam

Scientists Reveal The Best Time Of Day To Take An Exam Submitted by Michael Frankfort, Co-Chair of STAO Elementary Curriculum Committee By Carolyn Gregoire Feb. 22, 2016 – Full Article Link HERE Every hour after 8 a.m. that an exam is taken is equivalent to 10...
Amazon Virtual Tour

Amazon Virtual Tour

Submitted by Michael Frankfort, Co-Chair of STAO Elementary Curriculum Committee Amazon provides FREE virtual tours. There’s so many areas where you can connect to your classroom, to science and other academic areas. This is such a fast moving system and it is...
Awesome Periodic Table

Awesome Periodic Table

This Awesome Periodic Table Tells You How to Actually Use All Those Elements BEC CREW 21 JULY 2018, CLICK HERE FOR FULL ARTICLE Submitted by Michael Frankfort, Co-Chair of STAO Elementary Curriculum Committee Thanks to high school, we’ve all got a pretty good...
Test Your Awareness – Whodunit?

Test Your Awareness – Whodunit?

Test Your Awareness – Whodunit? Submitted by Michael Frankfort, Co-Chair of STAO Elementary Curriculum Committee ‘dothetest’ YouTube page has a bunch of ‘test your awareness’ videos. This one is based around a murder mystery investigation...