by msander | Mar 26, 2018 | Gr 7-8 Science & Tech, Gr 9-10 Science, Gr. 11-12 Chemistry
Introduction Cartesian divers are great toys that can be used to teach important science concepts. Several variations of Cartesian divers are on the market. Imagine that you and your classmates are members of a research and development team at a toy company and are...
by msander | Sep 13, 2017 | Gr 9-10 Science, Gr. 11-12 Chemistry, Gr. 11-12 Physics
The universe is bustling with matter and energy. Even in the vast, apparent emptiness of intergalactic space, there’s one hydrogen atom per cubic meter. But is there such thing as a total absence of everything? Is it possible to make a completely empty space? Rolf...
by cbrookallred | Apr 2, 2017 | Gr 4-6 Science & Tech, Gr 7-8 Science & Tech, Gr 9-10 Science, Gr. 11-12 Biology
This is a simple, yet extremely effective model of human lungs. Students are able visualize how the lungs, thoracic cavity and diaphragm work together to facilitate inhalation and exhalation. This model can be prepared before class to be used as a demonstration and...
by cbrookallred | Feb 23, 2015 | Gr 7-8 Science & Tech
…connecting force, area, and pressure? That’s some feat! Contributed by: Catherine Little Grade 8: Structures and Mechanisms Systems are designed to accomplish tasks. All systems include an input and an output. Inquiry Skills Used This activity uses scientific...
by cbrookallred | Dec 8, 2014 | All Science Teachers, Gr 7-8 Science & Tech, Gr 9-10 Science, Gr. 11-12 Physics
Moving air can pack a powerful force, especially when Bernoulli’s Principle is involved. The Soda Can Jump experiment uses Bernouli’s awesome principle to launch an empty soda can out of a coffee mug. It’s a hands-on experience in physics that you won’t want to...
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