Hydrodynamic Levitation!

Hydrodynamic Levitation!

On a stream of water you can levitate light balls of all sizes and even disks and cylinders. The mechanism is not the Bernoulli effect… Want to make this at home: My friend Blake from InnoVinci emailed me with a cool idea for a video and footage of levitating...
Ping-Pong Movers Inc.

Ping-Pong Movers Inc.

Contributed by: Gordon Webb   Big Ideas Movement is a change in position of an object Curriculum Connection: Grade 2: Structures and Mechanisms Inquiry Skills Used The students will explore various ways to make ping-pong balls move. Safety Considerations Provide...
House Builders International

House Builders International

Written by Alanna Bolotta Congratulations! You have just been hired by a company that specializes in building and selling homes in different climate zones across the globe! This company is famous for building homes of different structural types (frame, solid, shell,...
Oh! My Aching Feet

Oh! My Aching Feet

…connecting force, area, and pressure? That’s some feat! Contributed by: Catherine Little Grade 8: Structures and Mechanisms Systems are designed to accomplish tasks. All systems include an input and an output. Inquiry Skills Used This activity uses scientific...