Teacher Demo: Neutrally Buoyant Helium Balloon

Almost every child at one time or another has experienced the wonder, and later, a sense of loss, from a helium balloon. The emotional attachment most students have to helium balloons can be used to focus them on a variety of Physics concepts. Adjust the...

Teacher Demo: Magnetic Braking

This very simple to perform demo can be made very memorable by ensuring the students see it as a discrepant event. Students are expecting to see a free fall but instead see a low terminal velocity with no obvious source of friction.

Teacher Demo: Double Ball Drop

A head on elastic collision between an object with mass M and an object with mass 3M traveling with equal speeds results in all the kinetic energy of the system being transferred to the smaller mass. In this demonstration we try to follow this arrangement to produce a...

Student Activity: The Great Macaroni Exchange

If equilibrium is to be achieved, opposing reactions must take place in a closed system at the same rate. The two reactions, known as forward and reverse reactions, shown by a general reaction such as: A + B C When the forward and reverse reactions are taking place at...