Teacher Demo: The Nose vs. the Wrecking Ball

A pendulum is constructed from a 1.0-kg mass suspended from the ceiling, with a length of strong string long enough so that, when pulled about 40o from the vertical, the mass comes to nose level. The pendulum will be released from this position. The demonstrator is to...

Student Activity: The Great Macaroni Exchange

If equilibrium is to be achieved, opposing reactions must take place in a closed system at the same rate. The two reactions, known as forward and reverse reactions, shown by a general reaction such as: A + B C When the forward and reverse reactions are taking place at...

Teacher Demo: Marshmallow DNA Model

This demonstration will provide students with a visual representation of the structure of DNA. Students will learn the different components that make a nucleotide, the correct base-pair connection between nitrogenous bases, and visually see the double helix structure...