Anthropogenic climate change is one of the most important issues facing our students. Today we will explore the basic science behind climate change and share a series of easy demos you can do with your students, in-person, online, or have students try themselves. The Evidence for Climate Change resource that will be shared is the product of collaboration between classroom teachers, Perimeter Institute researchers, and climate scientists.
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Welcome to the STAO Career Connections Resource!
Categories: General Interest, Lab/Student Activity
It is our goal to create a library of videos showcasing the diversity of careers in STEM and the diversity of the people who do them. We want to be able to provide students with Career ideas, add... read more
Returning to a ‘Sense of Wonder’
Categories: General Interest
This resource about climate change discusses how promoting responsible ‘earth’ behaviour means encouraging a ‘sense of wonder’ in our children, exposing our youth to the natural wonders of... read more
Categories: General Interest, Lab/Student Activity
The Wonder Wall fosters a community of wonder in an inquiry-based classroom. A prominent section of a classroom wall is devoted to the children’s questions. All questions are respected by being... read more