Pythagorean Theorem Water Demo

Pythagorean Theorem Water Demo

Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 Pythagorean Theorem Water Demo Click HERE for the YouTube Video Though this may not be specifically about Science, one can easily relate the Pythagorean Theorem to many aspects of Science and Technology. This is such a great...
I Got It Off Google Images…

I Got It Off Google Images…

Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 Click HERE for full article   The article “I Got It Off Google Images…” by Mark Anderson discusses the common practice among teachers of using Google Images for classroom resources. Anderson highlights that many images...
Toronto Students Drive Canadian Lunar Rover Prototype Headed for Moon Exploration

Toronto Students Drive Canadian Lunar Rover Prototype Headed for Moon Exploration

Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 Click HERE for a link to the original article. Students from three Greater Toronto Area schools won a national competition, allowing them to remotely control a lunar rover prototype. The competition, organized by Let’s Talk...
Researchers use infrared light to wirelessly transmit power over 30 meters

Researchers use infrared light to wirelessly transmit power over 30 meters

Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 Please click HERE for a link to the full article. Researchers have developed a new wireless laser charging system that uses infrared light to transfer power over distances of up to 30 meters. This system could potentially...
Teaching the Nature of Science, Part II

Teaching the Nature of Science, Part II

Submitted by STAO Member, Dr. Anthony Persaud, EdD, MSc Anthony has been in science since 1993 working in pharmaceuticals, and a science educator since 2006 including as science department head, Instructional Coordinator in Science and Technology, and Seconded Faculty...
Meet the Ontario stats prof who claims he can’t stop beating Roll Up To Win

Meet the Ontario stats prof who claims he can’t stop beating Roll Up To Win

Click HERE for a link to the full article. Michael Wallace, a statistics professor at the University of Waterloo, has found a way to consistently win Tim Hortons’ Roll Up To Win contest. By analyzing the contest’s digital format and using statistical methods, Wallace...