When COVID-19 or flu viruses kill, they often have an accomplice – bacterial infections

When COVID-19 or flu viruses kill, they often have an accomplice – bacterial infections

Please click HERE for full link to the article. The article discusses how bacterial infections often accompany and exacerbate the severity of viral infections like COVID-19 and the flu. Historical pandemics, including the 1918 influenza and more recent flu outbreaks,...
Asteroid’s path altered in NASA’s first test of planetary defense system

Asteroid’s path altered in NASA’s first test of planetary defense system

Submitted by L. Andrea Izzo Please click HERE to read the full article. NASA successfully altered the trajectory of an asteroid for the first time by deliberately crashing the DART spacecraft into a small moonlet named Dimorphos. This $330 million mission, which took...
Whitchurch-Stouffville Public Library Maker Event 2022

Whitchurch-Stouffville Public Library Maker Event 2022

Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 Libraries are creative, innovative, places that engage the community in exploring their curiosity and embracing innovation.  This is celebrated throughout the month of October – Canadian Library Month – and also during...
The Science of Passing Gas…Part 1 / La science des gaz intestinaux… Partie 1

The Science of Passing Gas…Part 1 / La science des gaz intestinaux… Partie 1

Submitted by Claire Zuliani @MsZuliani & Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 THE SCIENCE OF PASSING GAS – PART 1 This is the first part of a special informational series by STAO discussing the science behind flatulence. The post highlights a TED-Ed video by Purna...
Changing Currents

Changing Currents

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER (ONLY VIRTUAL SESSIONS AVAILABLE) For more information or questions changingcurrents@ecospark.ca or 647-258-3280 x 2011 EcoSpark – Changing Currents is a popular citizen science project that inspires students in the Greater Toronto Area to...
NASA’s new tiny, high-powered laser could find water on the Moon / Le nouveau laser minuscule et puissant de la NASA pourrait trouver de l’eau sur la Lune

NASA’s new tiny, high-powered laser could find water on the Moon / Le nouveau laser minuscule et puissant de la NASA pourrait trouver de l’eau sur la Lune

Please click HERE for access to the full article from ZNET NASA has developed a new, tiny but powerful laser that could revolutionize space exploration by helping astronauts accurately locate and identify water on the Moon, Mars, and other celestial bodies. Previous...