Illuminating Art Through Science

Illuminating Art Through Science

Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 Illuminating Art through Science August 9, 2022 Click HERE to access to the full article Trent Physics professor sheds new light on painting with polarization Dr. Aaron Slepkov sheds new light on painting with polarization...
Asteroid’s path altered in NASA’s first test of planetary defense system

Asteroid’s path altered in NASA’s first test of planetary defense system

Submitted by L. Andrea Izzo Oct 11 (Reuters) – The spacecraft NASA deliberately crashed into an asteroid last month succeeded in nudging the rocky moonlet from its natural path into a faster orbit, marking the first time humanity has altered the motion of a...
The Science of Passing Gas…Part 1 / La science des gaz intestinaux… Partie 1

The Science of Passing Gas…Part 1 / La science des gaz intestinaux… Partie 1

Submitted by Claire Zuliani @MsZuliani & Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 THE SCIENCE OF PASSING GAS – PART 1 Here is Part 1 of a ‘special’ informational series where STAO will be discussing the science behind flatulence. In this post, we would like to direct...
NASA’s new tiny, high-powered laser could find water on the Moon / Le nouveau laser minuscule et puissant de la NASA pourrait trouver de l’eau sur la Lune

NASA’s new tiny, high-powered laser could find water on the Moon / Le nouveau laser minuscule et puissant de la NASA pourrait trouver de l’eau sur la Lune

Submitted by Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 NASA’s new tiny, high-powered laser could find water on the Moon This laser, small enough to fit inside a teapot, could significantly advance space exploration by helping astronauts definitively locate and identify water...
Chemistry and Inuit Life and Culture

Chemistry and Inuit Life and Culture

Submitted by Laura Wodlinger, Director of STAO Secondary Resource Development Check out the Fall 2022 Special Edition of Chem 13 News on Chemistry and Inuit Life and Culture. This issue has been some years in the making. Many readers may recall we published a series...
Resources for Rethinking / Ressources pour repenser

Resources for Rethinking / Ressources pour repenser

Submitted by Samantha Hendricks & Michael Frankfort @mfrank_76 Resources for Rethinking Resources for Rethinking provides immediate access to more than 1200 quality classroom resources. Developed by Learning for a Sustainable Future, connects...