Flying Cars: The sky’s the limit

Flying Cars: The sky’s the limit The concept of a flying car is moving closer to reality, but the term “flying car” is more fiction than fact. Aviation experts clarify that true flying cars, as seen in movies,...
Crater Lake National Park

Crater Lake National Park

Crater Lake – National Park Service Crater Lake – National Park Foundation Crater Lake, located in Southern Oregon’s Cascade Mountains, is the deepest lake in the USA and one of the clearest globally. Formed 7,700 years ago when Mount Mazama erupted...
Researchers find potential to create universal type O blood organs for transplants – CTVNews article

Researchers find potential to create universal type O blood organs for transplants – CTVNews article

Researchers find potential to create universal type O blood organs for transplants – submitted by Kris Lee The Canadian PressStaff Published Wednesday, February 16, 2022 2:43PM EST Elizabeth Ostrander spent two years on an organ transplant wait list, worrying...
Career Showcase – Dr. Terah Wong, Chiropractor

Career Showcase – Dr. Terah Wong, Chiropractor

Career Showcase – Dr. Terah Wong, Chiropractor Total Rehabilitation & Chiropractic Centre Richmond Hill 100 York Blvd. Richmond Hill, ON  L3B 1J8 Michael Frankfort and Samantha Hendricks, Co-Chairs of the STAO Elementary Curriculum...
Wildlife crossings potentially save millions in Washington state

Wildlife crossings potentially save millions in Washington state

Please click HERE for the link to the full article In Washington state, wildlife crossings—such as bridges and underpasses—are proving effective in reducing wildlife-vehicle collisions. A study by Washington State University found that these structures can save...