by msander | Apr 15, 2018 | All Science Teachers
In this video, physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson offers a clear vision of how science should work. Click here for the original source of the video for more info...
by msander | Apr 15, 2018 | All Science Teachers, Safety
Prevent Tragic Accidents with Flammable Liquids Girl in Flames Runs from School Lab Explosion! Lab Accident Sends Teacher and Students to Hospital! Teacher Charged After Experiment Goes Awry! These real news headlines have appeared as a result of accidents...
by msander | Apr 12, 2018 | All Science Teachers, Teaching Strategies
By Steve Steward Using the Facebook page CDDHS Science, students choose a topic of interest that relates science they are studying to innovative or practical applications, recently published research or potential future applications. They then prepare a multimedia...
by msander | Apr 12, 2018 | Gr 9-10 Science, Gr. 11-12 Physics, Teaching Strategies
by Erin Turner Intention: The nature of physics experiments (in the high school classroom) creates a perfect situation to allow students to generate their own testable questions. Many of the safety concerns that might exist in other disciplines can often be avoided...
by msander | Apr 12, 2018 | Gr 7-8 Science & Tech, Gr 9-10 Science, Gr. 11-12 Chemistry
Climate change is happening we all need to get serious about limiting our carbon dioxide emissions! At the same time, scientists are looking for plan B because we might need it. Hosted by: Michael Aranda Head to for hand selected...
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