Stretchy Water

Stretchy Water

This discrepant event is based on the surface tension of water. Students predict the number of pennies that can fit into a wine glass filled almost to the brim with water and then have their prediction tested.  Part 1. Teacher Demonstration. Materials:  wine glass...
Welcome to STAOblog!!!!!!

Welcome to STAOblog!!!!!!

STAOblog – the place for Ontario teachers to share best practices in Grades 1-8 Science and Technology Grades 9-12 Science What to expect? Five new innovative posts each week High quality content vetted by STAO curriculum experts Perfect alignment to the Ontario...
Countdown to  Inspiring Innovation STAO2014

Countdown to Inspiring Innovation STAO2014

Whether you are a veteran or a newbie teacher, attending the STA02014 conference will undoubtedly be the highlight of your professional learning year. It will inspire you to transform thinking and learning practices in the classroom. This year, the emphasis is on...