Teacher Demo/Student Activity: Limit to Cell Size

Cells require a constant supply of glucose and oxygen to produce energy. Cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria of a cell. As a result of this process, large quantities of waste carbon dioxide must be expelled from the cell. All materials involved in this...

Teacher Demo: Sock Mitosis

This demonstration is a great way for students to model the stages of mitosis. Images of the different stages in textbooks are static snapshots and many students have difficulty grasping the idea that mitosis happens as part of a continuous cycle.

Teacher Demo: Lung in a Bottle

This is a simple, yet extremely effective model of human lungs. Students are able visualize how the lungs, thoracic cavity and diaphragm work together to facilitate inhalation and exhalation. This model can be prepared before class to be used as a demonstration and...

Teacher Demo: Eggmosis

Osmosis is the process by which the concentrations of two solutions equalize across a selectively permeable membrane. Osmosis is necessary for the digestive and excretory systems to function. This demonstration models the behaviour of cells in hypertonic and hypotonic...

Teacher Demonstration: Liver Enzyme Action

This demonstration illustrates the importance of enzymes in the human body. Enzymes catalyze many important chemical reactions in the body. This demonstration is a visual example of how the enzyme catalase, which is present in all cells, but in highest concentrations...